Thursday, December 3, 2009

November, 2009

How does one go about getting cute pictures of a naughty 2-year-old? I know...!

Hehehe. Well, okay, he's also pretty cute when he's not asleep in bed, in the car or on the beanbags... he just doesn't smile and stay still at the same time very often Ü

Quotes for Nov
"Mummy, stop making noises! I'm trying to watch the news!"
"I think I could climb into it and get a pig..." (after watching some cute piglets on TV)
"There are two left." (I took the jelly bean container off him and said if he could count how many he had taken out, he and Jasmine could share them. He showed me the hand containing two... and hid the other handful behind his back!)
He's also started the annoying habit of repeating what someone just told him. But he has learned how to control his temper enough to (sometimes) yell, "No Thankyou, Jasmine!!" instead of just whacking her. Progress ;)