Tuesday, September 21, 2010

June, July, August, 2010

Changing the oil, he says.

Quotes from Winter:
(re Zach) He's not making a noise. I hear him not making a noise.
Yes, please, but no, thanks.
Byron: (waving two balloons) Give me a hip
Jasmine: Hip!
B: Give me a hip, Jas
J: Hip!
B: Hooray
J: Hooray!
Gimme six! (Funnier, apparently, than "gimme 5")
(eating Coco Pops) Now I've got fireworks in my tummy!
I feel hot, and I think it might be because I'm hot.
The electricity went to the wire across the road. (His explanation of Toy Death due to battery failure!)
Don't chop it! (When I was about to cut him some cake; he wanted the whole thing!)
(To Zach): Aren't you a little vegemite boy! (because I sometimes call him a happy little vegemite)
(re. Lake Wendouree) Look, Mum, there's water in the pond!
(Walking around with hands over face) I've got special glasses on to keep the water out of my eyes.
Mum: If you want to get out you could open the door...
B: Hmmm... Great idea, Mummy!
(Cooking imaginary food with Jasmine) B: Tea tah! You want to say grace?
J: Of course
B: Hold my hand... (Thanks God for pretend lunch)
Mum: You're not supposed to say No when I tell you to do something.
B: No, it's SO dangerous!
(frequently, to Jasmine): Jasmine!! Don't tell anyone!
(pulling labels of clothes): Look, Mummy; you're getting free cards!
Byron: That's enough!!
Jasmine: Do what you're told to do!
(To Nathan) Move still!
Mummy, leave Zachary alone. I'm reading him a book.
I think we should go for a quick drive to Sydney and I will have a little talk to Grandpa and a big play, and then we can drive home again...
I crashed into Uncle Matthew's website and broke my truck.
(after an explanation of an electrical circuit): That's very silly, Mummy.
Why has mayonaisse got vinegar in it? (remembering, apparenly, a week earlier, when I had walked into Jasmine's room saying, "Why does it smell like vinegar in here?" just before finding them spreading mayo all over the room.)
B: Sometimes I reach over and take things from the bench.
Mum: and if I see you, you get in trouble.
B: Yeah. If you see me.

Monday, June 14, 2010

May, 2010

Byron is THREE

Well, not quite, in that photo, but that's his birthday jumper. Here is what he considers "a pose":


Please, can I bring this rock inside?

Byron in May:
His favorite game is "Pairs" with his dinosaur cards. Fun to hear him say, "Ooo! Diplodicus! Yay!" He loves making up stories ("reading") to Jasmine, and her refusal to sit and listen is the cause of many fights. She follows him around the paddock, and he teaches her lots of things. It's occurred to him that quickly offering his sister a hug (when he's made her cry) saves him from getting growled at. His speech is pretty good, though he still often says, "I'm am", and once was heard to say, "No I'm am isn't not!". LOL.
Other quotes:
Now, come on, Jasmine; let's go in the bedroom and I'll show you there's no monsters in the cupboard. I'll turn on the light so you won't be scared. (went on to explain why shadows aren't monsters.)
"I don't want a sleep! I'm not tired; I'm full full FULL of energy!" [yaaaawn]
Byron (looking at me in the rear view mirror): No, you can't see me!
Me: Just because you say so doesn't make it true.
Byron: Yes it does! ...That doesn't make any sense!

(reading to Jasmine) "In the light of a star, three little bugs sat on a leaf. One was called Bella, one was called Bella, and the other was called Bella. (the book was "my little book of 5")
(Crying) I tried to throw the stick over the fence for the goat but it actually hit me on the head. It didn't watch where it was going!
(before playgroup): Mummy, can we leave Jasmine at home?
Mummy: You need to make up your mind.
Byron: No and Yes. Heheheh.

Stay tuned for less frequent updates from now on. Maybe every three months. Mummy is feeling BUSY, and his photos aren't changing much now. :)

Friday, May 7, 2010

April, 2010

Testing his future-birthday-present for fit.


Into hiding things in his room (or Jasmine's)

What? He's feeding himself!

Stuff from March and April:
"Goosey, Goosey, Gander, where shall I wander?Upstairs and downstairs, in his nightgown, There I met an old man who walked a crooked mile..." Twisted Nursery rhymes
Decided to call Jasmine "Jazzy" with no apparent outside influence
Learned to climb over the gate Daddy had just built between the yard and the paddock
"Do you want to ask me if I want a bath, Daddy?"
Being very vernacular; "Good-O!"
"The number of the Day! That means it's time to go to Grandma and Grandpa's house!" Strange but useful brain connections
"You're doing a really good job with your wool, Mummy. Your wool is pretty. Your wool is nice! That's just amazing and nice..." inching closer to the yarn I was dyeing (when told to stay away) with compliments to distract me
Mummy: Bunnings? Why would I want to take you three out of the car and herd you all around Bunnings while you run away, and be naughty, and touch things you shouldn't, and then try and get you all back into the car? That doesn't sound like very much fun for me.
Byron: But it sounds like fun for me!
"Look, Jasmine... see the bus?" Pointing out shapes in the clouds.
Daddy: Don't get in Grandma C's car in your dirty boots!
Byron: [takes off boots and climbs in]
"Well, I think I AM allowed to..." trying his hand at willing things into reality.
"I'm not tasty; I'm a yukky boy! And you're not a dinosaur, Daddy!"
"One day when I'm a cat and I've got strong eyes, I'll be able to see through the fog."
"Jasmine and I are playing "Grandma and Grandpa". You are Uncle Matthew and Zach is Auntie Kelly." [runs off to buy me a motorbike]
Mummy: Where's my little sewing box?
Byron: It was on the couch. I think Jasmine took it.
Mummy: Hmmm. I wonder where "she" put it?
Byron: I think she put it in my cupboard...
(Morality aside, the learning to lie phase is pretty funny!)
Mummy [growls at Byron]
Byron: I'm going to buy some insects and let them sting you because you're saying bad things!
Mummy: Well, you haven't got any money.
Byron: Well, not yet; when I'm bigger.
Also seen making up a story to go with the new book he hadn't heard yet, and telling Jasmine (correctly) which Dr Seuss books (pictured on the back page) that we did and didn't have.

Friday, April 9, 2010

March 2010

I looked out the window, and there he was, little Monkey.

Sometimes having three littlies is a bit awkward. Here Zachary, upset at being left alone, joins Byron for story time... but doesn't make it to the end of the book ;D

Byron watching TV while sitting on my back, as I laid on my stomach on the floor.

He loves playdough, though it end up getting confiscated every single time he's allowed to play with it :)

Burning off some energy at Macka's. We go here fairly often, but it's hardly bad for his health, as he's too busy playing to eat more than a few chips for lunch.

Pressing the bell buttons at the Eureka Stockade playground

Friday, March 5, 2010


The school bus, apparently.

Trying to get to the tree branch like the girl up the tree did. (The rule is "You're allowed to climb up the tree if you can climb up yourself")

Lending a hand Ü

Relaxing on the swing in the sunshine

Inside the toybox
Byron this month:
Put an icecream bucket on his head and ran around headbutting stuff, to prove it didn't hurt.
Started going to Playgroup with Grandma
Hid himself under the toybox on the treadmill so I wouldn't know he was squirting bbq sauce on it.
From the top of the treadmill (with supreme confidence): "If I fall I'll just do a flip and land on my feet."
Holding a cardboard tube "exhaust pipe" to his chest: "Hey, Mummy! Smoke is coming out of my engine!"
B: (after putting a sand "chocolate cake" into the "oven" under the back step) Look, Mummy; I'm climbing into the oven!
Me: Don't burn your hands
B: I won't; I'm wearing oven gloves.
(to Jasmine, with appropriate actions) "Gimme five... to the side... down below... TOO SLOW"
(to Jasmine) You'll fall if you climb up onto the roof... You should get a ladder!

Friday, February 5, 2010

Checking out the new gate... which doesn't help him escape the 'yard' at all...

Carding some wool from the black sheep...

Why else did you think I wanted Jasmine's pink back pack? ...

Making pancakes with Jasmine...

Staking trees with Daddy

Thursday, January 7, 2010

December, 2009

Byron this month:
We started playing a game to make having his nails clipped more fun, where I call him "sir" and charge him to come to my clipper shop. After charging him an imaginary $2 for clipping all his toenails, he decided to do mine, charging me $100! (At least he said, "Thankyou, sir")
"I think my milo's not a baby, cause it's milo." (stomach contents become confusing when Mummy has a baby in hers.)
"Daddy, I want some Beyonce! I love Beyonce!" (asking for music to dance to)
"Where's the Princess? The queen is gone! I have to find the queen!" (on waking up; obviously dreaming of rescuing some damsels in distress)
Daddy: Why are you putting the cushions over there?
Byron: [flapping his arms] Because that's where my nest lives.
"Mummy, you need to go inside for a minute, because I'm starting the angle grinder." (kicked out of his 'shed')
"I just want the pineapple only!" (complaining about having to eat pizza)
"Thankyou, God, for our yummy food, in Jesus' name... and bless your cotton socks... in Jesus' name, amen." (grace)
Byron asked me to make the toy chipmunk a milo, but I refused, saying to Chippy, "You eat nuts." He quickly backed me up, saying to the toy, "You eat nuts... and bolts".
"Mummy, the men won't wave to me!!" (indignant at the rudeness of airplane pilots flying far above us)